Wednesday, March 26, 2008

ProtoSOA Update

As we near the end of March '08, we have reached a milestone in ProtoSOA development. The first "pre-release" of the software will be available on a very limited basis to approved ComFrame customers. This is a very short list at the moment, but having this version of the software available for trial and testing is a significant milestone.

In the next few months, my colleague and I will once again join the development team in Beijing to continue developing the first full public release of the product. I would like to recognize the efforts of the ComFrame Beijing office for all they have done toward building a quality product. This is a fine group of engineers who have proven to be a very valuable asset to ComFrame. Their efforts have not gone un-noticed in our company circles.

By year's end, I hope to report that ProtoSOA has begun an "SOA (R)Evolution" in the software industry. More to come...